Wednesday 11 March 2015



The image associated with caning is of a schoolroom role play, where an unruly student is being corrected by the teacher. This is not the only scenario in which canes can be utilised.


Basically, you should look for a member of the rattan family called kooboo or dragon canes. Dragon is firmer, denser and offers a thuddier and crushing sensation. Kooboo is lighter, more flexible and offers a more whippy, stingy sensation. Rattan heart is also available and is somewhere between the two – a firm, stingy sensation.


These are a relatively recent addition to the traditional cane materials and offer distinctly different sensations to the natural products. They can be thuddier, more stingy and may have more weight in their impact.

Scening with canes

Although they do not have as much versatility as floggers, we can use them with a variety of techniques.

Warming-up during an SM scene, canes can be used in a gentle, drumming and rhythmic motion either to change tempo or as an accompaniment to music. This can have a relaxing and soothing effect, allowing the sub to unwind and dive into the scene.

They can be used lightly all over the body – gently tap the skin, drag the tip over the body, roll down the body; to create a myriad of sensations. Then build up intensity – largely over the bottom using stronger strokes. Leave time between hits for the submissive to take in and process the sensation – this will enable them to get endorphins and take more.

Hitting with a cane is largely in the wrist – you do not need to take the arm back for a full swing. This will increase your chances of inaccuracy and possibly make it too intense. Positioning is also key, you should stand perpendicular to the target area so that you are striking evenly over both buttocks.

From thin, whippy canes which sting to large, rigid canes which thud and impact the skin and tissues beneath. We can send the body on a sensation roller coaster.

What to look for when buying canes:

Initially, check the cane for splintering and run your finger down the length. Check there are no cracks, faults or scratchy edges. It is not a requirement that the cane be totally straight, it is a natural plant and therefore some slight bending is not a fault and should not affect handling. Flick the cane to check how whippy and controllable it will be to ensure it is what you feel comfortable handling or receiving.

Another consideration is the length of cane you should select. Longer canes are generally more intense, more difficult to handle, but they offer greater versatility to the experienced handler. Shorter canes are better for control, firmer and less whippy and offer the best introduction to caning for newbie subs and doms.

Crook handle canes are traditionally associated with school role plays. They are not a requirement of canes in general. In fact many players find that the handles inhibit wrist movement.

Safety Tips

  • Most commonly recognisable as a member of this family of plants is bamboo, this however does not make canes that should be used on humans. It has a tendency to split or fracture and the ends can be razor sharp.
  • Canes can bruise deeply, so avoid internal organs; particularly the lower back (kidneys). Expect that your sub will have red stripes on their bottom which can take several days to fade.
  • When hitting with a cane you should be careful not to wrap the cane. Wrapping is when force of impact makes the tip continue to accelerate and curl around the body – usually striking the hips.

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